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Artificial Intelligence And Intuition

The intuitive algorithm Roger Penrose considered it impossible. Thinking could never imitate a computer process. He said as much in his book, The Emperor’s New Mind. But, a new book, The Intuitive Algorithm, (IA), suggested that intuition was a pattern recognition process. Intuition propelled information through many neural regions like a lightning streak. Data moved from input to output in a reported 20 milliseconds. The mind saw, recognized, interpreted and acted. In the blink of an eye. Myriad processes converted light, sound, touch and smell instantly into your nerve impulses. A dedicated region recognized those impulses as objects and events. The limbic system, another region, interpreted those events to generate emotions. A fourth region responded to those emotions with actions. The mind perceived, identified, evaluated and acted. Intuition got you off the hot stove in a fraction of a second. And it could be using a simple algorithm. Is instant holistic evaluation impossible? The system, with over a hundred billion neurons, processed the information from input to output in just half a second.

All your knowledge was evaluated. Walter Freeman, the famous neurobiologist, defined this amazing ability. “The cognitive guys think it’s just impossible to keep throwing everything you’ve got into the computation every time. But, that is exactly what the brain does. Consciousness is about bringing your entire history to bear on your next step, your next breath, and your next moment.” The mind was holistic. It evaluated all its knowledge for the next activity. How could so much information be processed so quickly? Where could such knowledge be stored? Exponential growth of the search path Unfortunately, the recognition of subtle patterns posed formidable problems for computers. The difficulty was an exponential growth of the recognition search path. The problems in the diagnosis of diseases was typical. Normally, many shared symptoms were presented by a multitude of diseases. For example, pain, or fever could be indicated for many diseases. Each symptom pointed to several diseases. The problem was to recognize a single pattern among many overlapping patterns. When searching for the target disease, the first selected ailment with the first presented symptom could lack the second symptom. This meant back and forth searches, which expanded exponentially as the database of diseases increased in size. That made the process absurdly long drawn theoretically, even years of search, for extensive databases.

So, in spite of their incredible speed, rapid pattern recognition on computers could never be imagined. Instant pattern recognition IA was proved in practice. It had powered Expert Systems acting with the speed of a simple recalculation on a spreadsheet, to recognize a disease, identify a case law or diagnose the problems of a complex machine. It was instant, holistic, and logical. If several parallel answers could be presented, as in the multiple parameters of a power plant, recognition was instant. For the mind, where millions of parameters were simultaneously presented, real time pattern recognition was practical. And elimination was the key. Elimination = Switching off Elimination was switching off – inhibition. Nerve cells were known to extensively inhibit the activities of other cells to highlight context. With access to millions of sensory inputs, the nervous system instantly inhibited eliminated trillions of combinations to zero in on the right pattern. The process stoutly used “No” answers. If a patient did not have pain, thousands of possible diseases could be ignored. If a patient could just walk into the surgery, a doctor could overlook a wide range of illnesses. But, how could this process of elimination be applied to nerve cells? Where could the wealth of knowledge be stored? Combinatorial coding The mind received kaleidoscopic combinations of millions of sensations. Of these, smells were reported to be recognized through a combinatorial coding process, where nerve cells recognized combinations. If a nerve cell had dendritic inputs, identified as A, B, C and so on to Z, it could then fire, when it received inputs at ABC, or DEF. It recognized those combinations. The cell could identify ABC and not ABD. It would be inhibited for ABD. This recognition process was recently reported by science for olfactory neurons. In the experiment scientists reported that even slight changes in chemical structure activated different combinations of receptors.

Thus, octanol smelled like oranges, but the similar compound octanoic acid smelled like sweat. A Nobel Prize acknowledged that discovery in 2004. Galactic nerve cell memories Combinatorial codes were extensively used by nature. The four “letters” in the genetic code A, C, G and T were used in combinations for the creation of a nearly infinite number of genetic sequences. IA discusses the deeper implications of this coding discovery. Animals could differentiate between millions of smells. Dogs could quickly sniff a few footprints of a person and determine accurately which way the person was walking. The animal’s nose could detect the relative odour strength difference between footprints only a few feet apart, to determine the direction of a trail. Smell was identified through remembered combinations. If a nerve cell had just 26 inputs from A to Z, it could receive millions of possible combinations of inputs. The average neuron had thousands of inputs. For IA, millions of nerve cells could give the mind galactic memories for combinations, enabling it to recognize subtle patterns in the environment. Each cell could be a single member of a database, eliminating it (becoming inhibited) for unrecognized combinations of inputs. Elimination the key Elimination was the special key, which evaluated vast combinatorial memories. Medical texts reported that the mind had a hierarchy of intelligences, which performed dedicated tasks. For example, there was an association region, which recognized a pair of scissors using the context of its feel. If you injured this region, you could still feel the scissors with your eyes closed, but you would not recognize it as scissors. You still felt the context, but you would not recognize the object. So, intuition could enable nerve cells in association regions to use perception to recognize objects. Medical research reported many such recognition regions. Serial processing A pattern recognition algorithm, intuition enabled the finite intelligences in the minds of living things to respond holistically within the 20 millisecond time span. These intelligences acted serially.

The first intelligence converted the kaleidoscopic combinations of sensory perceptions from the environment into nerve impulses. The second intelligence recognized these impulses as objects and events. The third intelligence translated the recognized events into feelings. A fourth translated feelings into intelligent drives. Fear triggered an escape drive. A deer bounded away. A bird took flight. A fish swam off. While the activities of running, flying and swimming differed, they achieved the same objective of escaping. Inherited nerve cell memories powered those drives in context. The mind seamless pattern recognition Half a second for a 100 billion nerve cells to use context to eliminate irrelevance and deliver motor output. The time between the shadow and the scream. So, from input to output, the mind was a seamless pattern recognition machine, powered by the key secret of intuition contextual elimination, from massive acquired and inherited combinatorial memories in nerve cells.

Myth or Legend? Shark Deterrent Technology. Hear The Facts. You Decide

With such heated debate about the conservation of sharks, and the natural desire for safety in our waters, the use of electronic shark deterrent devices has become a necessary conversation that we simply must have. There is much speculation about the offered products, and for those that have that amphibious streak, there are a few pressing questions that are being asked: Does shark deterrent technology actually work? How does it work? And does it attract sharks and then deter them? Could an electronic deterrent device, such as Shark ShieldFREEDOM7, be thenewfound legend in our waters? Firstly, a shark deterrent has to be one that has the capability of producing a low frequency that disturbs the electro reception in a shark. Here is where the scientific hat must be worn, because to understand how the deterrent technology works, there has to be some understanding of what we are trying to deter, and for that matter, protect. All Chondrichthyans: sharks, rays, skates and chimeras, have Ampullary receptors in their heads, these are broadly tuned to low-frequency fields of

What Secrets Can Numerology Reveal

Numerology is a very ancient teaching that consists of learning all about the numbers associated with your name and date of birth. The information found in numerology can be linked to your destiny, personality, your karma, the issues you have and the timing associated with your life.The formula for determining what your specific number are is simple. You can take the numbers in your birthdate and add them together. For instance, July 23, 1947 (07231947) adds up to 33. This is your master number. You then add the 3 plus 3 (6), which is your learning lesson number for this lifetime.What does that mean? Being a number 6 means that you are here to learn to be a teacher, a counselor, a speaker or a very responsible person whose purpose is to look out for other people. There is also a lot of artistry or creativity in this type of person. It could be a person with a social cause, (example: the 1960’s was all about causes…getting out to vote, passing medicare) If your learning lesson number is 6 you might relate to the 1960’s.

Another example we can take is a person whose learning lesson numer is seven. This number means that you are here to develop your higher mind and the truth. You like to uncover the truth and present it. You need to be around smart people or you will become bored. You are a teacher in many respects. You may lean towards being a researcher or detective.Where Does Ancient Numerology Come From?The first numerology schools you hear about were started by Pythagoras around 635 BC. In these circles it is believed that the soul literally names itself and imprints the name upon the parents subconscious to give to you at birth. It is a pre-structured event. Most people realize this, when they reach the age of 45-50 and know they need to do something different in their lives, so they change their jobs completely.

Here are some famous people who have four as their life path number . These obviously are people who love to produce, are very detail oriented and structured:Donald TrumpOprah WinfreyAngelina Jolie is one of the most famous fives who have to experience a lot of change and freedom in their lives. Tom Cruise is a very famous six. One couple that we know quite well, Tom Cruise, who is a six and Katie Holmes, whol is a one seem to show that certain numbers can be harmonious together.If you are just beginning to look into numerology, you should learn your learning number by adding the numbers in your birth date, and then you should take apart your name because all of the clues of who you are and where you are coming from are all there. You can discover what you really want and should be doing in your life.

GIS Services Are Used in Various Different Fields

A Geographic Information System (GIS) or Geographical Information System is any system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that is linked to location, area or region. Technically, GIS is a system that includes mapping software and its application, to remote sensing, land surveying, aerial photography, mathematics, photogrammetry, geography, and tools that can be implemented with GIS software.GIS services are required in number of fields like: archaeology, environmental impact assessment, asset management, geographic history, urban planning, cartography, criminology, marketing, scientific investigations, resource management, logistics and other purposes. For example: if the government of a nation wants to assess the impact of environmental change at various different regions, GIS helps in providing a great deal of assistance to the observers, with the facility of exact depiction of the affected areas.If a town planner wants to view the barren area where the town will come up, the planner can not visit the whole area at one go and just a glance will not be of any use, as it is practically impossible to do so. This can be easily done with the help of GIS services .

These services help in having the complete idea of every detail and give the planner enough room for implementing the best possible plan.GIS utility mapping is capable of sorting, manipulating, processing and reporting data and it even generates a digital representation of the network. It provides simplest, most comprehensive and effective function of generation of digital maps and reporting tasks that are active with an added features of advancement. We ignite the usage of the efficient tools like utility GIS mapping, in allowing an organization to check, maintain and organize its productivity.GIS utility mapping helps the business enterprise in planning a new venture at an area to which the entrepreneur is completely alien to.

Mapping helps clients to have an exact idea of the geographic location as it represents real world objects like: roads, land use, elevation, etc with digital data. Real world objects can be divided into two- abstractions: discrete objects, like a house and continuous fields, like rain fall amount.There are many companies across the world that are providing GIS services but no one can match GIS services provided by Dimensioni India as they are world class services offered to both national and international clients. They also offer out sourcing facility which is in high demand as it saves on a lot of cost. Thus, GIS is a very useful service which is of immense importance to many people belonging to various different fields.

An Expert System Powered By Uncertainty

The Artificial Intelligence community sought to understand human intelligence by building computer programs, which exhibited intelligent behavior. Intelligence was perceived to be a problem solving ability. Most human problems appeared to have reasoned, rather than mathematical, solutions. The diagnosis of a disease could hardly be calculated. If a patient had a group of symptoms, then she had a particular disease. But, such reasoning required prior knowledge. The programs needed to have the “knowledge” that the disease exhibited a particular group of symptoms. For the AI community, that vague knowledge residing in the minds of “Experts” was superior to text book knowledge. So they called the programs, which solved such problems, Expert Systems. Expert Systems managed goal oriented problem solving tasks including diagnosis, planning, scheduling, configuration and design.

One method of knowledge representation was through “If, then…” rules. When the “If” part of a rule was satisfied, then the “Then” part of the rule was concluded. These became rule based Expert Systems. But knowledge was sometimes factual and at other times, vague. Factual knowledge had clear cause to effect relationships, where clear conclusions could be drawn from concrete rules. Pain was one symptom of a disease. If the disease always exhibited pain, then pain pointed to the disease. But vague and judgmental knowledge was called heuristic knowledge. It was more of an art. The pain symptom could not mechanically point to diseases, which occasionally exhibited pain. Uncertainty did not yield concrete answers. The AI community tried to solve this problem by suggesting a statistical, or heuristic analysis of uncertainty. The possibilities were represented by real numbers or by sets of real-valued vectors. The vectors were evaluated by means of different “fuzzy” concepts.

The components of the measurements were listed, giving the basis of the numerical values. Variations were combined, using methods for computing combination of variances. The combined uncertainty and its components were expressed in the form of “standard deviations.” Uncertainty was given a mathematical expression, which was hardly useful in the diagnosis of a disease. The human mind did not compute mathematical relationships to assess uncertainty. The mind knew that a particular symptom pointed to a possibility, because it used intuition, a process of elimination, to instantly identify patterns. Vague information was powerfully useful to an elimination process, since they eliminated many other possibilities. If the patient lacked pain, all diseases, which always exhibited pain, could be eliminated. Diseases, which sometimes exhibited pain were retained. Further symptoms helped identification from a greatly reduced database. A selection was easier from a smaller group. Uncertainty could be powerfully useful for an elimination process. Intuition was an algorithm, which evaluated the whole database, eliminating every context that did not fit. This algorithm has powered Expert Systems which acted speedily to recognize a disease, identify a case law or diagnose the problems of a complex machine. It was instant, holistic, and logical. If several parallel answers could be presented, as in the multiple parameters of a power plant, recognition was instant. For the mind, where millions of parameters were simultaneously presented, real time pattern recognition was practical. And elimination was the key, which could conclusively handle uncertainty, without resort to abstruse calculations.

Oracle Business Intelligence For Enterprise Benefit

Business intelligence or BI solutions have widened its scope and are used for most types of businesses. Oracle business intelligence, oracle BI solutions or Oracle BI development services involves various applications development or software creation that enables business users to gather, store, analyse, share and access any information or data that is helpful for enterprises and results into better or timely decisions for business, right information access and more revenues.Oracle business intelligence enjoys a special position in CPM which is corporate performance management, an area where BI involves to monitor and to manage all performances of organization.

Here to measure the improvements some indicators can be used to see its immediate benefits or results like profits, revenues, return on investment, overheads and operational costs. If the improvement in performance is to be seen in online businesses then there are some more factors like page views, server load, traffic on website, transactions accomplished per second or minute. Enterprises still need to ensure whether they are using best Oracle BI solutions and software so as to analyse and access data. There are many providers who offer their best oracle development to enterprise organizations so they can enjoy the most effective BI solutions.

The edition for enterprise is a special one and a very useful BI platform that helps in delivering complete range of analytic and reporting facilities. It is specially designed for more scalable, reliable and enhanced performance in any sized enterprise organization by delivering correct, relevant and more actionable or practical insight. As discussed above the results are obvious of better decision-making, real time actions and more efficient business processes that give more revenues.These apps are so beneficial and oracle has the monopoly of offering multi-sourced BI apps and the best offerings for market-leading performance management solutions which are powered by this platform.Some benefits of these enterprise BI solutions are as follows: