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Improving Predictive Maintenance Through Infrared Thermography

Predictive maintenance (PdM) attempts to assess the equipment condition by performing continuous (online) or periodic equipment monitoring. The eventual goal of PdM is maintenance performance, at a predetermined point in time when the maintenance activity is most economical, and before the equipment loses its performance within a limit.Integrating Thermography into PdMHeat is often, an early sign of equipment wear and tear or failure, making it a vital monitored performance criteria in PdM programs.Thermography is becoming one of the hottest (pun intended) predictive maintenance technologies available. An infrared camera (also known as a thermal imager) can quickly measure and evaluate heat signatures for each of the equipments on the inspection route, without upsetting any operations.It thus provides, huge returns to companies by reducing downtime, improving reliability of processes, reducing spend on equipment repairs and reactive maintenance and, extending the life duration of a machine and improving the personnel safety.

For top results, all maintenance technologies should be integrated onto the same computer, so that they have access to the same lists of equipments, histories, work orders and reports.Inspection Process??? It begins by making use of existing equipments lists from a computer managed maintenance system (CMMS) or any other inventory tool??? Equipments that aren’t befitting for infrared measurement are eliminated??? Maintenance and production archives are evaluated??? Grouping of critical equipments is done on the basis of function or area, onto a database or spreadsheet??? Thermal imagers are used to click baseline images of critical equipments??? Real-time images may be recorded and analyzed to determine the condition of the equipment or productTo click the finest of images:??? Verify that the target system is functioning at a minimum 40 % load, as lighter weights don’t tend to produce much thermal energy, thus making detection of problems difficult??? Come in close proximity to the target and restrain from shooting through doors (especially glass)??? If safety procedures permit, electrical enclosed areas must be left open or infrared windows must be used??? Account for air currents, winds and air temperaturesApplications???

The above integrated technology, monitors and measures bearing temperatures in large motors or other rotating equipments??? It identifies “hot spots” in electronic equipments??? It identifies sealed vessels’ leaks??? It also finds faulty insulation in process pipes or other insulated processesIt is quite indicative from the above mentioned facts, that PdM programs may be used in a host of sectors like manufacturing, utilities, service companies, electrical contracting, etc. They, along with an incredibly versatile infrared thermography, just need to be in sync with ever-evolving industries.

Artificial Intelligence And Intuition

The intuitive algorithm Roger Penrose considered it impossible. Thinking could never imitate a computer process. He said as much in his book, The Emperor’s New Mind. But, a new book, The Intuitive Algorithm, (IA), suggested that intuition was a pattern recognition process. Intuition propelled information through many neural regions like a lightning streak. Data moved from input to output in a reported 20 milliseconds. The mind saw, recognized, interpreted and acted. In the blink of an eye. Myriad processes converted light, sound, touch and smell instantly into your nerve impulses. A dedicated region recognized those impulses as objects and events. The limbic system, another region, interpreted those events to generate emotions. A fourth region responded to those emotions with actions. The mind perceived, identified, evaluated and acted. Intuition got you off the hot stove in a fraction of a second. And it could be using a simple algorithm. Is instant holistic evaluation impossible? The system, with over a hundred billion neurons, processed the information from input to output in just half a second.

All your knowledge was evaluated. Walter Freeman, the famous neurobiologist, defined this amazing ability. “The cognitive guys think it’s just impossible to keep throwing everything you’ve got into the computation every time. But, that is exactly what the brain does. Consciousness is about bringing your entire history to bear on your next step, your next breath, and your next moment.” The mind was holistic. It evaluated all its knowledge for the next activity. How could so much information be processed so quickly? Where could such knowledge be stored? Exponential growth of the search path Unfortunately, the recognition of subtle patterns posed formidable problems for computers. The difficulty was an exponential growth of the recognition search path. The problems in the diagnosis of diseases was typical. Normally, many shared symptoms were presented by a multitude of diseases. For example, pain, or fever could be indicated for many diseases. Each symptom pointed to several diseases. The problem was to recognize a single pattern among many overlapping patterns. When searching for the target disease, the first selected ailment with the first presented symptom could lack the second symptom. This meant back and forth searches, which expanded exponentially as the database of diseases increased in size. That made the process absurdly long drawn theoretically, even years of search, for extensive databases.

So, in spite of their incredible speed, rapid pattern recognition on computers could never be imagined. Instant pattern recognition IA was proved in practice. It had powered Expert Systems acting with the speed of a simple recalculation on a spreadsheet, to recognize a disease, identify a case law or diagnose the problems of a complex machine. It was instant, holistic, and logical. If several parallel answers could be presented, as in the multiple parameters of a power plant, recognition was instant. For the mind, where millions of parameters were simultaneously presented, real time pattern recognition was practical. And elimination was the key. Elimination = Switching off Elimination was switching off – inhibition. Nerve cells were known to extensively inhibit the activities of other cells to highlight context. With access to millions of sensory inputs, the nervous system instantly inhibited eliminated trillions of combinations to zero in on the right pattern. The process stoutly used “No” answers. If a patient did not have pain, thousands of possible diseases could be ignored. If a patient could just walk into the surgery, a doctor could overlook a wide range of illnesses. But, how could this process of elimination be applied to nerve cells? Where could the wealth of knowledge be stored? Combinatorial coding The mind received kaleidoscopic combinations of millions of sensations. Of these, smells were reported to be recognized through a combinatorial coding process, where nerve cells recognized combinations. If a nerve cell had dendritic inputs, identified as A, B, C and so on to Z, it could then fire, when it received inputs at ABC, or DEF. It recognized those combinations. The cell could identify ABC and not ABD. It would be inhibited for ABD. This recognition process was recently reported by science for olfactory neurons. In the experiment scientists reported that even slight changes in chemical structure activated different combinations of receptors.

Thus, octanol smelled like oranges, but the similar compound octanoic acid smelled like sweat. A Nobel Prize acknowledged that discovery in 2004. Galactic nerve cell memories Combinatorial codes were extensively used by nature. The four “letters” in the genetic code A, C, G and T were used in combinations for the creation of a nearly infinite number of genetic sequences. IA discusses the deeper implications of this coding discovery. Animals could differentiate between millions of smells. Dogs could quickly sniff a few footprints of a person and determine accurately which way the person was walking. The animal’s nose could detect the relative odour strength difference between footprints only a few feet apart, to determine the direction of a trail. Smell was identified through remembered combinations. If a nerve cell had just 26 inputs from A to Z, it could receive millions of possible combinations of inputs. The average neuron had thousands of inputs. For IA, millions of nerve cells could give the mind galactic memories for combinations, enabling it to recognize subtle patterns in the environment. Each cell could be a single member of a database, eliminating it (becoming inhibited) for unrecognized combinations of inputs. Elimination the key Elimination was the special key, which evaluated vast combinatorial memories. Medical texts reported that the mind had a hierarchy of intelligences, which performed dedicated tasks. For example, there was an association region, which recognized a pair of scissors using the context of its feel. If you injured this region, you could still feel the scissors with your eyes closed, but you would not recognize it as scissors. You still felt the context, but you would not recognize the object. So, intuition could enable nerve cells in association regions to use perception to recognize objects. Medical research reported many such recognition regions. Serial processing A pattern recognition algorithm, intuition enabled the finite intelligences in the minds of living things to respond holistically within the 20 millisecond time span. These intelligences acted serially.

The first intelligence converted the kaleidoscopic combinations of sensory perceptions from the environment into nerve impulses. The second intelligence recognized these impulses as objects and events. The third intelligence translated the recognized events into feelings. A fourth translated feelings into intelligent drives. Fear triggered an escape drive. A deer bounded away. A bird took flight. A fish swam off. While the activities of running, flying and swimming differed, they achieved the same objective of escaping. Inherited nerve cell memories powered those drives in context. The mind seamless pattern recognition Half a second for a 100 billion nerve cells to use context to eliminate irrelevance and deliver motor output. The time between the shadow and the scream. So, from input to output, the mind was a seamless pattern recognition machine, powered by the key secret of intuition contextual elimination, from massive acquired and inherited combinatorial memories in nerve cells.

Cad Designing Services in India Cad Design Consultancy White Light Scanning

CAD/CAM software packages offer very versatile and generic capabilities that can be reasonably used “out-of-the-box” by most users. However, customization of software functionality can significantly boost productivity of the design office, while improving compliance with company standards and practices. ANCADD can expand the capabilities of the “standard” CAD software packages by writing program code, including integrating custom applications with basic package. Design Automation of * customer and order related drawings. * product selection. * generation of design variants. * data base driven designs. * combining design calculations and 3D modeling. * special part libraries Today CAD software offer abandon possibility of automation and customization. The extent automation achieved can be explained by a typical example. Legacy Conversion: Old drawings on paper or from an old CAD package can be converted to the latest CAD packages. We ensure cost effectiveness, consistent quality and quick turnaround. Legacy CAD database migration is not an automated process.

Models have to be created or rebuilt incorporating design intent step by step. Now you have an opportunity to have this data converted to your CAD platform of choice at a price you can afford, and in a timeframe that is realistic. ANCADD engineers can take your products from paper drawings through 3D modeling to complete manufacturing solutions, while your engineers continue to focus on on-going projects. ANCADD specializes in efficient, intelligent CAD data conversion. We combine high-caliber engineering talent, customized specifications, secure data environments, and a global infrastructure to provide best-in-class solutions.3D CAD models can be generated from the existing 2D drawings. 3D modeling assignments for various components of automotive parts, engines, pumps, motors, turbines, heavy engineering equipment, earth-moving equipment, consumer durable items etc. can be done 3D to 2D drawings : We have vast experience in providing detailing services.

We have successfully completed many detailing projects for sheet metals, plastics, casting components & tools. We have installed proven quality methodologies to ensure correctness of drawings for part manufacturing Assembly After creation of the part models, the different parts can be assembled for interference checks, tolerance analysis and mass property calculations. Digital Mockup (DMU) can be simulated to visualize the functioning of the part.

Myth or Legend? Shark Deterrent Technology. Hear The Facts. You Decide

With such heated debate about the conservation of sharks, and the natural desire for safety in our waters, the use of electronic shark deterrent devices has become a necessary conversation that we simply must have. There is much speculation about the offered products, and for those that have that amphibious streak, there are a few pressing questions that are being asked: Does shark deterrent technology actually work? How does it work? And does it attract sharks and then deter them? Could an electronic deterrent device, such as Shark ShieldFREEDOM7, be thenewfound legend in our waters? Firstly, a shark deterrent has to be one that has the capability of producing a low frequency that disturbs the electro reception in a shark. Here is where the scientific hat must be worn, because to understand how the deterrent technology works, there has to be some understanding of what we are trying to deter, and for that matter, protect. All Chondrichthyans: sharks, rays, skates and chimeras, have Ampullary receptors in their heads, these are broadly tuned to low-frequency fields of

Interesting Facts About Robotics

Introduction: Robots are not a new idea, they have been around for age groups. In 1939, the first humanoid robot was created. It actually spoke over 700 words and appeared in a movie in the 1960s. There has been death by robot as well; in 1981 a Japanese worker in the Kawasaki factory was crushed by a robotic arm. The term “robotics” refers to the technology that has the main purpose in creating the mechanical intelligent agents called robots. Keywords: robots, science fun, human being The term “robot” was first coined by Czech writer Karel Capek in his play R.U.R. while term “robotics” was first coined by Isaac Asimov in his 1941 science fiction short-story “Liar!”.The great Leonardo Da Vinci has predicted the creation of robots in future. At first mechanics was the great force behind the development of robots but as the science became more technologically advanced mechanics was replaced with electronics. The first digital and programmable robot was invented by George Devol in 1954 and is famous under the name of Unimate. RoboCup World Championship (the soccer games with robots) which started in 1997 is often used as a testing ground regarding the robot’s dynamics and holy grail of robotics is to improve AI intelligence, particularly to create robots that would be able to integrate knowledge and put information into context so that they could make decisions in a split second.

The original idea behind creating robots was to use them do the work of humans, particularly hard work or work in a dangerous environment. Robots which must work instead of humans require some way to manipulate objects; pick up, modify, destroy, or otherwise have an effect and so far the science is finding it very hard to recreate human moves in robots. The current existing robots can walk or run but this movement doesn’t look that similar to humans and it also uses great deal of energy which means that robotics needs to make future robots more energy efficient. Most today’s mobile robots have wheels instead of legs. Today’s robots are used for various purposes all the way from vacuuming floors, mowing lawns, cleaning drains to investigating other planets, building cars, as well as being used in military operations. Asia is believed to have more than half of all the robots in the world (particularly Japan that has over the 30% of all the robots in the world). There are some people who believe that the future development in robotics will cause big unemployment because robots would be able to do the skilled work better than humans, not to mention the fact that they would likely be more than able to exceed the capability of workers to perform most jobs.

Today Today, there are robots everywhere. They are used in the army to scout for bombs in war zones. They also fly over war zones to detect where enemies are located. Robots are used in factories as well to do repetitive jobs like tightening tire nuts on a car assembly line. Robots are also used in the medical field to do delicate surgery and can even be controlled from across the country. Interesting Comment The founder of a robotics institute predicts, in the next 4 years, humans will be having intimate contact with robots. He also believes that in 2040, robots are going to be their own species, with feelings and emotions. Conclusion: Through this article I am going to tell that, the future world is going to be run by robots.

What Secrets Can Numerology Reveal

Numerology is a very ancient teaching that consists of learning all about the numbers associated with your name and date of birth. The information found in numerology can be linked to your destiny, personality, your karma, the issues you have and the timing associated with your life.The formula for determining what your specific number are is simple. You can take the numbers in your birthdate and add them together. For instance, July 23, 1947 (07231947) adds up to 33. This is your master number. You then add the 3 plus 3 (6), which is your learning lesson number for this lifetime.What does that mean? Being a number 6 means that you are here to learn to be a teacher, a counselor, a speaker or a very responsible person whose purpose is to look out for other people. There is also a lot of artistry or creativity in this type of person. It could be a person with a social cause, (example: the 1960’s was all about causes…getting out to vote, passing medicare) If your learning lesson number is 6 you might relate to the 1960’s.

Another example we can take is a person whose learning lesson numer is seven. This number means that you are here to develop your higher mind and the truth. You like to uncover the truth and present it. You need to be around smart people or you will become bored. You are a teacher in many respects. You may lean towards being a researcher or detective.Where Does Ancient Numerology Come From?The first numerology schools you hear about were started by Pythagoras around 635 BC. In these circles it is believed that the soul literally names itself and imprints the name upon the parents subconscious to give to you at birth. It is a pre-structured event. Most people realize this, when they reach the age of 45-50 and know they need to do something different in their lives, so they change their jobs completely.

Here are some famous people who have four as their life path number . These obviously are people who love to produce, are very detail oriented and structured:Donald TrumpOprah WinfreyAngelina Jolie is one of the most famous fives who have to experience a lot of change and freedom in their lives. Tom Cruise is a very famous six. One couple that we know quite well, Tom Cruise, who is a six and Katie Holmes, whol is a one seem to show that certain numbers can be harmonious together.If you are just beginning to look into numerology, you should learn your learning number by adding the numbers in your birth date, and then you should take apart your name because all of the clues of who you are and where you are coming from are all there. You can discover what you really want and should be doing in your life.

3D-Printing Human Tissue

3D printing use has been expanding in recent years. From art to science, this growing industrial revolution aided in making many new developments, including two ones that may have helped the medical industry. Reconstructed ears from a 3D printer Ear reconstruction is one of the hardest surgeries to do. The problem is making the ear. You can thank the ear cartilage’s uniqueness for that. It needs to be soft and flexible, but still have strength and form. Any replacements done often look unnatural and do not provide a good redirection of sound to the eardrum. Scientists have been exploring ways to better provide children born with congenital deformity microtia or people who suffered some type of ear loss with real, quality ears. A team at Cornell University may have found just that. Professor Lawrence Bonassar and his colleagues found a way to make ears more lifelike. He began his research with his 5-year-old twin daughters. They first scanned the girls’ ears to create a digital mold. A 3D printer then printed it. A gel made of living cells was injected into the mold. The ears were finally removed and some trimming took place. The quickness itself may be one of the best parts of this process. It takes less than 48 hours to fully complete the ear.

The molding, half a day, and the printing, a full day, are the culprits behind the time. Either way the 2 days is a far better time than traditional practices where rib cartilage is used to make fake ears. The traditional way also does not create a custom ear for the individual which many have commented on. Surgeons’ main worry is whether the body will accept the new part. A rejection could cause an internal battle inside the recipient and another surgery will need to be scheduled. No one wants that. With the 3d printer being added into the equation, the research team at Cornell can now focus on growing human ear cartilage cells. They have custom molds so there is no need to remove any other rib cartilage from the patient or use some type of foam. If the cells can be made similar to the body’s previous ones, then it will a rejection of the ear will be less likely. This is a great advance in science but do not expect real-looking fake ears any time soon. The Cornell group needs to do some experimentation and if all goes well, we could see a release in 3 years. A more important organ is printed Your heart has one of the hardest jobs in your body; it beats all-day, every day. Any sort of stoppage will result total body shutdown.

Electrical current provides the stimulation the heart needs to contract. If there is any type of irreparable damage to the heart and it stops, doctors will replace it with an artificial one. A new “artificial heart” has been recently designed and printed. OK the print isn’t really a heart for a human. It’s more or a robotic heart. Artists and designers can use the heart, a biologically-driven actuator, to simulate a pulse in an inanimate object. Peter Walters and his colleagues from the University of the West of England in Bristol, UK invented the device. They used the photo-polymer jetting technique developed by Stratasys. Walters added yeast to provide the electricity needed to cause the beat. Maybe a real artificial heart could be printed one of these days. A brave new world Hopefully other professors or people in general will be inspired by the two creations. Either you can look at the medical side and try to emulate current procedures or you can look at it from a new use of the printer. Let’s try to make as many 3D printing achievements as we can in the upcoming years to make the world a better place.